Sunday, October 6, 2013

When someone turns there back on you.

PS: I will use no real names in this post do to safety precautions! Take non of this offensive, this is ment to be a little story.

OK, this started back a couple of months ago. Let's say this kid was named Alen. Ya that'll work. OK, So this kid Alen a couple months back saw me cry for the first time in years. I was in a gym and balling my eye's out in a very dark corner (Awkward right?) So he walks up to me and asks me what's wrong, and of course I tell him like everything, and I mean everything. So he hugs me. Then these kids walk up and start pelting us with rocks. Of course I got mad at the little kids but I knew they were little so I didn't yell at them or anything I just flat out told them to stop that. After I do that some little kid walks up and starts cussing me off, and I mean a little kid, let's say he was 6 or 7, OK? So, I start cussing him off then that Alen kid started to cuss me off and so, of course, he uses everything I just told against me. I called him a little bastard of course and start going off on this kid now. Now I'm getting pinned down here and there do to what he just said. OK, after that happened the little kid ran off to his mom and told her a huge lie that, I don't know maybe that I hurt him or something. So, his mom walks up and starts cussing me off, don't forget I never hurt the kid., and of course this little war goes over and over after the dad shows up with the cops the cops tell the kid not to lie after they checked him up. OK, so after that I see the kid lives on my street and I was with my bro's and we decide to wreck a tree in front of their house so they would have to clean it up. I go home and grab a bunch of egg's and toilet paper and put on my "Anonymous" mask then head out. Little did I know the lady was outside of my house just starring at me. Of course she asked for my parents and I put the stuff away as fast as I could. Then I get my parents. OK, so I got them all chilled out after they talked to her. Well apparently the lady said, "I would neeeeever do something like that!" Acting all innocent my parents grounded me because I cussed of the little kid. Even after the cops came to the house they grounded me for cussing off a little kid. That ALL happened just because my friend turned there back on me.

That proves it: Never trust a friend who you just told everything to. xD jk. I became friends with them soon after they apologized.

Don't forget: Sing when your hurt, sing when you cry, sing when you live, and sing when you die
#Hollywood Undead

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